Oddaja predlogov

Propose Development Projects

CMSR is accepting the project proposals that are of strategic importance for the Slovenian development cooperation.


*Prijava je v angleškem jeziku, ker je do sofinanciranja RS upravičen samo javni subjekt v partnerski državi.

Invitation for submission of development project proposals

The Centre for International Cooperation and Development (CMSR) as the implementor of the Slovenian bilateral international development cooperation is inviting you to submit development project proposals for co-financing from the Government resources of the Republic of Slovenia.

The aim of the invitation is to co-finance projects that contribute to the eradication of poverty, reduction of inequality and sustainable development in partner countries and are submitted by public entities.

Projects, eligible for co-financing under the above-mentioned invitation, are projects in the following fields: fight against climate change, with an emphasis on the sustainable management of natural and energy resources, environmental protection, reduction of poverty and inequality, empowerment of women, improvement of social inclusion and acceleration of the green and digital transition.

The conditions for co-financing projects of international development cooperation are:

Project proposals have to be prepared using the digital Project Proposal Form.

The selection procedure and evaluation of the projects will be carried out according to the Manual for the Implementation of the International Development Cooperation Projects.

1. Fill out the digital Project Proposal Form in English and send it for review.
2. CMSR reviews the proposal and requests additional information, if necessary.
3. Supplement the Project Proposal Form if necessary and submit the final version.
4. CMSR evaluates the Project Proposal and notifies the potential donation recipient.

CMSR is accepting project proposals that are of strategic importance for the Slovenian development cooperation.

For more details contact us at the email address mojca.kopse@cmsr.si or on telephone +386 1 235 07 80.
